Sep 22, 2015 | FALSE FRIENDS!
NO es «Many politicians have ASSESSORS» SINO: «Many politicians have ADVISERS«
NO es «I like this STATION more than the summer» SINO: «I like this SEASON more than the summer»
Sep 22, 2015 | FALSE FRIENDS!
NO es «I am three months EMBARRASSED» SINO: «I am three months PRENGANT»
Sep 22, 2015 | FALSE FRIENDS!
NO es: «We have to CONSERVE all the languages of/in the world» SINO: «We have to PRESERVE all the languages of/in the world»
Sep 22, 2015 | FALSE FRIENDS!
NO es: «I can’t come to the party tonight because I have a COMPROMISE» SINO: «I can’t come to the party tonight because I have a COMMITMENT»
Sep 22, 2015 | FALSE FRIENDS!
NO es: «I speak a lot of idioms» SINO: «I speak a lot of LANGUAGES»
Sep 22, 2015 | FALSE FRIENDS!
NO es: «I like ensaimada. Do you want to prove some?» SINO: «I like ensaimada. Do you want to TRY/TASTE some?»